
Wednesday, December 5, 2007

My Fast For Darfur

Today I observed the fast for Darfur. I only fasted during the morning, because I have to take medication. Having not eaten for only a few hours, it became painfully clear what people who have no food go through. Today’s fast was to protest the lack of security the women in Darfur have received. It’s tragic the number of women who have been raped during this ongoing war.

Rape, hunger, and ultimately death have been the life of Darfur civilians driven from their homes and forced to live in refugee camps.

A citizen in a refugee camp spoke one of the saddest lines I ever heard in a movie. She said, “Soon the white man will come and arrest those that have done these horrible things, and we will be saved.”

The people of Darfur have not lost faith and hope in humanity to come and help them.

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