
Tuesday, December 18, 2007

China & Darfur a Deadly Relationship

Usually when Steven Spielberg speaks people listen, he hopes that rings true when he talks to China about their role in the Defer conflict. There has been accusations that China has provided arms to the Sudanese government, which in turn use the weapons on the innocent victims of Defer.

..” The protest of the displaced in Defer camps should come as a surprise only to Chinese policy makers. The displaced communities have for long time known that the planes, which attack their villages, are Chinese made, and that the bombs that flattened their houses and burnt their huts are supplied by China. The fuel and lubricants that the planes use are produced by Chinese companies. “ (

While one person or country can’t be blamed for the years of war in Defer, China does have a strong influence on the government of Sudan. If China would take a stand and cease, aiding the government the people of Defer may be able to finally go back home and live in peace.

Like it or not, the money China spends on oil in Defer is converted to war weapons.

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