
Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Olympic Torch Relay Continues

With the 2008 Olympics being held in Beijing China, there are several events across the world aimed at bringing attention to China and their part in assisting the soldiers in Sudan. The fact is without the financial backing of China the government of Sudan would not be able to buy arms they use.

The Olympic Torch Relays are currently spreading across the country. Tomorrow in Portland Oregon, their activities for the Torch Relay will begin.

“Wed. 11/7 - All day Camp Darfur for middle and high school students to visit hosted by Lincoln High School STAND in SW. Survivors from Cambodia, Rwanda, the Holocaust, Armenian descendants and Darfur will be available to speak to students and walk through Camp Darfur. We would like a large cross section of schools from Multnomah, Clackamas, Clarke and Washington Counties.” (

See the following link Camp Darfur for more information.

This is an excellent chance to get informed, and show your support for Darfur.

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