
Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Paging the UN: Darfur Needs You, Now

“Darfur is the world's largest ongoing humanitarian operation, helping more than 2,5 million refugees caught in fighting between the Sudanese government and rebels. “ (
The genocide in Darfur is like nothing that currently afflicts any other part of the world, although genocide is a constant threat in many places.

I understand the call for the US to help those in our country, and the frustration by some American citizens with the US role as “caretaker” of the world. Yet, I believe that issues have to be prioritized, even people are being murdered in mass numbers, does the world not have an obligation to step in and say, stop this is wrong. Doesn’t anyone care that children are being beaten out of heir mother’s arms?

There is indeed plenty of suffering in our own country (US), but I’ve never run from armed men, or feared for my safety from the governments military.

If you were driving through another state, on your way home and saw a person being beaten on the side of the road, would you call the police, or would you say not my problem, because I don’t live here?

“The United Nations (UN) is an international organization whose stated aims are to facilitate cooperation in international law, international security, economic development, social progress and human rights issues.” (

This is not a United States issue, it is a United Nations problem that must be resolved, for the safety of the people of Darfur, and the world. I just believe the United Nations should do what it has promised to do, and I think the United States should voice our displeasure that it has taken years to protect the people of Darfur.

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